When Going Gets Good, Good Gets Going
Well, The world is in a state of flux and so is the TIME. Somehow and somewhere anybody and everybody has to pass through or experience the power of TIME.
We, as humans when have good going, we always think that it is because of our ability and our power but we always forget the fact that the one of the major factors that works here is TIME as well. When things are going good, it is not going to be the same always and if it goes good always, we are not going to learn anything the hell out of that. And in the same way when the things are not going good, that too is for a short time or for certain time.In our good times, in excitement, we always forget this major fact and make some mistakes for which we have to suffer during our bad times.
Bad times are to teach us something and good times are to make us realize that Life is beautiful if you learn.